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(but it's required)halginsberg(Thursday, Jun 6. 2024 10:23 PM)For The Lesser Rusty – Thanks Rusty. I’m not doing as much writing as I used to. Have you checked out my You’Tube livestream. I’m live Mon-Fri for an hour usually (but not always) at noon ET. Lesser Rusty(Thursday, Jun 6. 2024 09:28 PM)Wither Media?
Wither sanity.
Wither respectability.
Are you writing of hiring a Buckley Jr. or a Bannon?
Having a Bannon on the staff (or a staff of Bannons) is like having to live with that Thanksgiving relative who lies to irritate, confuse, obfuscate. Waste of time and reputation.OMG! 1st no Blue Wave. Bad enough, but w/Trump’s threat 2use SCOTUS 2stop the votecount the shit has really hit the fan. What is the basis 4this? R we now a banana republic? Trump is treating r election like he is(Wednesday, Nov 4. 2020 05:02 AM)merely a contestant in a reality show. Trump doesn’t seem 2know the diff. I now almost hope the masses overrun the Whitehouse & drag the SOB out. Game end. Long-term? Pack the courts, term limit SCOTUS justices after which they demote2 traffic court. Restore blue slips & the filibuster for judicial appts.Lindsey Graham, in a forum Friday night, said “I care about everybody. If you’re a young African American or an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this country. You just need to be conservative, not liberal.”(Sunday, Oct 11. 2020 01:17 PM)Translation: If you are a young African American or an immigrant, you “can go anywhere” in this country as long as you’re not uppity & you don’t object to a metaphorical if not a physical knee on your neck. Conservatives will never give a fair shake to uppity dark-skinned people who don’t support entrenched white power. Trump Employee Noel Casier been trying 2get story out since 2016. HRC declined 2use, few have published fearing lawsuits. Time may now be ripe 4viral. Trump daily crushes/snorts Adderall till he pees/poops his pants,(Sunday, May 17. 2020 08:29 PM)then tempers mood 2b functional w/Valium. Noel worked 6yrs on Apprentice & did his beauty contests b4 that. Here is Noel’s nightclub bit: Excellent Nicole Sandler interview:
Greg Olear: I posted 2u FB page but no response.halginsberg(Sunday, May 17. 2020 07:34 PM)Thanks Shade. Really interesting stuff. Yes, we need to figure out how to keep the cleaner air we now have. But we won’t. Great hearing from you.In China, drops in pollution due 2 isolation likely saved 53k-77k lives. If true, this is many times more than the stated dths from COVID-19. That said, published dth rates in China & their causes aren_t reliable(Sunday, May 17. 2020 07:28 PM)Also, isolation may have led2 other dth from suicide/malnutrition/lack-of-meds & is not sustainable. COVID-19 can also do long-term damage2 organs, resulting in early dths later. 1 would need accurate total dth rates over time & 2compare pre to post-COVID. Still, something 2think about., Mar 17. 2020 12:10 PM)When Trump & the Republicans start talking about actually implementing what is essentially Andrew Yang’s $1000/mo to everyone, it tells me that there is a real fear inside the halls of power that the economy is a house of cards and is danger of total collapse.Shade(Tuesday, Mar 17. 2020 11:26 AM)Bernie blew it during the debate by not making the case to Biden that if there had been Medicare for All in place for some time already, we’d now have less paper pushers & more doctors & health care providers in our health care system. This would have made handling the health-care demand spike of COVID-19 more manageable. Biden kept saying there would have been no difference.Shade(Tuesday, Mar 17. 2020 11:23 AM)I’ll answer my own question. Republicans are dominated by old fat white guys, who are prime kill targets for the senior deleter virus. So in this case of COVID-19, Republicans are going to have a harder time supporting Darwinistic capitalism.As a Liberal, I dont understand why it isn’t the Repub position that we do nothing 2prepare4 COVID-19. Shouldn’t they be decrying that it wastes far too much $$$ 2isolate ppl from the productivity of their work?(Monday, Mar 16. 2020 02:03 AM)So ppl get sick. It’s only 4awhile. Most will survive & be fine. We spend far too much $$$ on the last mo of life. The ppl who will die dont have long 2live anyway. This virus will get the job done quick. COVID-19 is the senior deleter, the boomer flu. Good economic riddance. In capitalism, only the strong & fit survive. It’s inconsistent for Repubs 2say anything else.Shade(Saturday, Aug 10. 2019 03:28 PM)Better now put JE’s jailers in protective custody & on “suicide” watch too else we might have a Jack Ruby type incident. Everything about JE, his past, & ongoing activities smells to high heaven. Ties to the oligarchy, organized crime, deep state, etc. Anything might now happen.halginsberg(Saturday, Aug 10. 2019 02:38 PM)To me the biggest red flag is that he was “allowed” to kill himself. I don’t think it’s that hard to prevent a suicide in a jail if you want to.I’m not generally a big conspiracy nut, but I find it awfully convenient that Jerry Epstein has been found dead of an “apparent” suicide. Especially since JE was already supposedly on a suicide watch.(Saturday, Aug 10. 2019 02:30 PM)Suicide watch my ass, I think it more likely the “deep state” or organized crime ordered the “suicide” due to the big names Epstein might expose. Bipartisanship is still alive in the U.S. Bipartisanship corruption that is. This is one for the history books, but it will probably pass by w/o much notice.Shade(Thursday, May 16. 2019 11:25 AM)Bill Press
In case you missed it: We’ve had a great 14 year run of daily shows, but it’s time to transition. The last daily show will be May 31, but don’t worry! My voice will still front and center as we enter the 2020 election. Big news coming soon! 3h Bill Press
Tune into to a THURSDAY show! We’re talking to @RepAlGreen @justinsink and @Katulis PLUS – A big announcement happening NOW …Hal(Sunday, May 12. 2019 08:54 AM)Sorry I’ve been slow to post lately. I’m very busy in my new job as MD State Organizer for Our Revolution. Will try to be a little more regular here.aji chili lover(Saturday, Apr 27. 2019 11:31 AM)Hola! Bird lives! long thyme gone
worlds in collision people in
confusion, partly due to excessive
intake of cnnnbcfaux et al, don’t
worry just ride on the wings of
yer own inspiration and fly high
above the mad mob…Hola Hal
you don’t seem to get around much any more, what’s shakin’?
Shade doing the yeoman’s work,
good to see this leftover site still
is open for witty repartee and
provocal expressionisms. Thank
you all for being, wake up and liveBird(Tuesday, Apr 9. 2019 10:32 AM)Do u still do radio?
Man does ksco suck.
Have u ever heard Georgia? Oh god.Good on Newsom for quickly scaling back boondoggle bullet train that could only appeal to a few big-shots who likely would still rather fly even if the boondoggle ever did get built. By time it was finished, we’d have a(Sunday, Feb 17. 2019 04:53 AM)$500B infrastructure that would then carry almost no-one unless we then banned air travel. Good luck with that. Also Newsom nixing the twin-tunnel delta project in favor of a more ecologically sound smaller sgl tunnel that still could be used in wet yrs to recharge S. CA ground water, etc (in prep for drought yrs), but that wouldn’t be so large that it could be hi-jacked to strip excessive amts of N. CA water in drought yrs.-
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(but it's required)halginsberg(Thursday, Jun 6. 2024 10:23 PM)For The Lesser Rusty – Thanks Rusty. I’m not doing as much writing as I used to. Have you checked out my You’Tube livestream. I’m live Mon-Fri for an hour usually (but not always) at noon ET. Lesser Rusty(Thursday, Jun 6. 2024 09:28 PM)Wither Media?
Wither sanity.
Wither respectability.
Are you writing of hiring a Buckley Jr. or a Bannon?
Having a Bannon on the staff (or a staff of Bannons) is like having to live with that Thanksgiving relative who lies to irritate, confuse, obfuscate. Waste of time and reputation.OMG! 1st no Blue Wave. Bad enough, but w/Trump’s threat 2use SCOTUS 2stop the votecount the shit has really hit the fan. What is the basis 4this? R we now a banana republic? Trump is treating r election like he is(Wednesday, Nov 4. 2020 05:02 AM)merely a contestant in a reality show. Trump doesn’t seem 2know the diff. I now almost hope the masses overrun the Whitehouse & drag the SOB out. Game end. Long-term? Pack the courts, term limit SCOTUS justices after which they demote2 traffic court. Restore blue slips & the filibuster for judicial appts.Lindsey Graham, in a forum Friday night, said “I care about everybody. If you’re a young African American or an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this country. You just need to be conservative, not liberal.”(Sunday, Oct 11. 2020 01:17 PM)Translation: If you are a young African American or an immigrant, you “can go anywhere” in this country as long as you’re not uppity & you don’t object to a metaphorical if not a physical knee on your neck. Conservatives will never give a fair shake to uppity dark-skinned people who don’t support entrenched white power. Trump Employee Noel Casier been trying 2get story out since 2016. HRC declined 2use, few have published fearing lawsuits. Time may now be ripe 4viral. Trump daily crushes/snorts Adderall till he pees/poops his pants,(Sunday, May 17. 2020 08:29 PM)then tempers mood 2b functional w/Valium. Noel worked 6yrs on Apprentice & did his beauty contests b4 that. Here is Noel’s nightclub bit: Excellent Nicole Sandler interview:
Greg Olear: I posted 2u FB page but no response.
Genghis Koch
While he was busy depopulating Eurasia, Genghis Khan was just as busy sowing seeds to repopulate it. The Great Big Book of Horrible Things estimates that the man born Temujin may have been directly responsible for 40 million deaths across the tens of thousands of square miles from the Sea of Japan to the Caspian Sea that were under his control when he died in 1227. Khan acknowledged ten children, any number of wives and is claimed to have said or wrote:“The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their horses, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms.”
According to an apparently scholarly study, 20 million men alive today may be direct descendants of the first Khan. Edward Ball’s family history Slaves in the Family recounts the saga of eight generations of Balls in South Carolina. The first, 20 year-old Elias “Red Cap”, arrived in Charleston in the late 1600s with nothing but title to a large swamp which Indians still haunted.
When Red Cap died 50 years later, his hundreds of slaves were tilling hundreds of fertile acres of rice paddies all titled to him. With his two wives, Red Cap had at least 13 white children. He also fathered an unknown number of mixed race children. Edward Ball estimates that Red Cap’s extant descendants number in the many thousands.
Charles and David Koch built the multi-million dollar Koch Industries they inherited from their their father into an oil, gas, and coal conglomerate that generates such extraordinary profits that each brother’s personal assets exceed $40 billion. Koch Industries contributes more to elect politicians than any other fossil fuel company. The Kochs have also spent over $67 million since 1997 to fund global warming denialism.
Global warming is right now precipitating the 6th great extinction on planet earth. In the near future, billions of people will suffer negative impacts from global warming and many millions will die. Of course, the Koch Brothers and their progeny will not be among those harmed except to the extent that their holidays in Vail may include more golf and less skiing.
In The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins posits that genes that impel us to behave in ways that maximize the number of our offspring who reach reproductive age will succeed in the sense that such genes are the most likely to be passed down from generation to generation. Accordingly, “successful” behaviors, regardless of how risky and cruel they may appear, are likely to be observed across space and time because the genes that cause people to engage in these behaviors will be inherited by large numbers of people.
By killing and raping his way across Siberia, China, Mongolia, and Russia, Genghis Khan succeeded in passing down to tens of millions the genes that impelled him to ignore both the very obvious dangers involved in such behaviors and the terrible emotional and physical toll he imposed. Through Red Cap’s willingness to leave England for not particularly prepossessing land, to evict Native Americans from it, and to purchase, command, and rape hundreds of his fellow human beings, the Ball genes are now widespread across what was once a new world with no Balls at all.
Whether consciously or not, Charles and David Koch are walking in the footsteps of Genghis Khan, Elias Ball, and many other tyrants throughout human history. Khan and Ball aggrandized themselves on the corpses of others and filled spaces they helped empty with their countless progeny – progeny who are more likely than others to possess their patriarch’s greed and propensity for violence. By fouling our air and water, the Kochs are reducing our planet’s habitability and virtually guaranteeing widespread displacement, poverty, and death.
Moreover, the Kochs are spending a fraction of their fortune to bamboozle the very people they are harming into permitting them to continue their destructive practices. Insulated by extraordinary wealth, current and future Kochs will be well-positioned, along with a handful of others, to replace the millions, if not billions, their practices have killed, displaced, or ruined. The Kochs’ practices, harmful though they may be, make perfect sense to and in fact are impelled by the very genes they carry within them. The much more difficult question to answer is why so many others, whose resources the Kochs are destroying or seizing and whose ability to pass their genes on to future generations the Kochs are weakening, are complicit.