WHEN? Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013: 1:30-5:30pm
WHERE? The Monterey (west) side of Laguna Grande Park and the lake. From Del Monte Blvd. take Virgin St, look for picnic tables, parking lot, and restrooms next to lake: and from Fremont St., take Casanova Ave to Branner Ave, turn right, then left on Virgin St. to picnic tables, parking lot, and restrooms next to lake.
WHAT TO BRING: Your own food, drink, and/or meat to grill. Also a potluck dish (appetizer, salad, dessert, etc) to share. Extra folding chairs would be helpful.
WE’LL PROVIDE: Utensils, paper plates & cups, napkins, condiments, grill and charcoal. Also Fred’s famous BBQ Corn!
Hal and friends,
I would like to attend the bbq. Let me know if there is a specific potluck dish that I should bring.
Make sure you bring your blendables!!! Blender services will be provided by Green Pedal couriers of Monterey. Bring berries,yogurt,vodka strawberries ect and we can blend away!