My interview with MD Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher

Delegate Waldstreicher and I discuss the Maryland Clean Energy Jobs Act, the Fight for 15, and how progressives can win!

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6 Responses to My interview with MD Delegate Jeff Waldstreicher

  1. Jeff Linder says:

    The opening minute was hilarious. Hal Ginsberg considers himself a political commentator. He has a progressive radio station. He had a progressive radio show. He had a progressive podcast. He now does podcasts for “Progressive Maryland” and is interviewing, most likely, a progressive politician and Hal Ginsberg doesn’t know what Congressional District he lives in. Unbelievable.

  2. halginsberg says:

    Jeff – usually you manage to maintain a certain level of decency in your commentary. Here you barrel over the line. Have I really made you feel that badly about yourself and your nonsensical inherently contradictory libertarian/objective views? Do you finally perceive how selfish and self-serving they are? Is that why you are lashing out in such a nasty, unbecoming, and somewhat out-of-character way? If so, good.

    By the way, your criticism as always is laughably off the mark. My guest was a state delegate not a congressman. I wasn’t sure in which state delegate district I reside and was making a joke about it. That’s called being self-deprecating. Most people consider that to be an attractive trait. You might want to try it.

    • Jeff Linder says:

      Barrel over the line? What did I say that was untrue Hal? I called it a congressional district instead of a legislative district? Big deal. The fact remains, you were interview a politician and didn’t seem to know if he represented you or not. I find that laughable.

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