I hope you enjoyed the Morning Show last week. We’re working on finalizing our new lineup in the wake of Karel’s decision to move to a 1-hour daily podcast. The hope is to bring Norman Goldman on board for at least 2 hours each week day. Meanwhile, look for more live and local talk each afternoon starting Monday 1/13.
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Here’s what’s on tap 6-9am this week.
Monday –
6 – 6:30 – Weekend news recap.
8 – Monterey City Councilman Alan Haffa joins us.
8:30 – Our 17th District Senator Bill Monning updates us on Sacramento doings.
Tuesday –
7 – 7:30 – Michelle Jackson and the P.G. Perspective.
7:45 – Holistic health with Glenn Sadowsky and Optimal Health Acupuncture and Bodywork.
8:45 – Car Talk with Juan Escamilla from Wilson’s Tire and Service. Call Juan at (831) 476-0370 for all your automotive needs.
Wednesday –
8:30 – SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. Alan Smith is a SCORE mentor in its Santa Cruz County office and helps businesspeople in Monterey as well. He joins us.
Thursday –
7:30 – Jeremy Holden joins us from Media Matters to cast a jaundiced eye on the right-wing media machine.
8 – “Ask the Sheriff” with Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller.
8:45 – Eric Petersen from the Monterey County Green Party discusses all things Green.
Friday Free-for-all +
8 – Arlen Grossman’s Quotation Quotient is your opportunity to win a great prize. Don’t miss Arlen’s column in the Leisure Section of every Sunday’s Monterey Herald and in every month in the Foolish Times.
Thanks for being part of RadioMonterey!
Get Goldman!
I hope everyone enjoys Norman Goldman as much as I have these recent years.
I could only catch his last hour on 960AM during my last leg over the hill, but I found him to be a well-spoken, intelligent radio-host who is not an Obama-bot.
He congenially speaks with folk of any political stripe, because he’s trying to create atmosphere of fact-based learning.
So, he’s much better at conversation then Randi Rhodes, and he rarely flips out at callers – but every once in a great while a bad actor or the virulently stupid will call in… the kind who’s positions flip about like a landed fish in the bottom of a boat… and it can be game-on.
Also, as a lawyer, Nor-man offers insight few other liberal talkers can. And, yes, he can explode when a ‘bagger calls in and behaves as his normal self. This goes as well for adversaries who take part in email exchanges with him. It’s unexpurgated correspondence gold, ladies and gentlemen. Lastly, he hardly ever takes a day off. Commendable.