Radio Monterey – Uptime, Downtime and those Moments of Silence

This is a rather long response to a series of calls and emails about the status of Radio Monterey, as well as the audio quality; volume; moments of silence and the downtime of the stream.

First, let me address Radio Monterey. While I was a part of KRXA for six years, I was not a part of the Radio Monterey discussions prior to the cutover from KRXA to Radio Monterey.

For over two years Kyralani and I had investigated internet networks and broadcasting, as well as the option of doing our own independent show and podcasts. When KRXA cutover to Radio Monterey we left. We contracted with an Internet Broadcast Network. Part of the requirement to go live with this network was that all hosts had to attend training once a week for four weeks, then follow-on starting with the second week of live broadcast.

In the interim both Hal, and the new network offered to broadcast replay shows. Fifteen days before we went live on the new network Hal called and asked if I would be interested in purchasing Radio Monterey. To make this story short we came to an agreement and I purchased Radio Monterey.

Here is what Radio Monterey is not: it is not Radio; it is not KRXA on the Internet; it is not about Monterey only local talk; it is not about Progressive Talk 24/7.

Radio Monterey is being built as a network of empowerment. We will broadcast Progressive Talk from 3 AM (PST/PDT) to Noon (PST/PDT). However, unlike radio, internet networks do no make their money from advertising. They survive based on hosted shows, not syndicated shows, or shows streamed from other internet sites. This is a major distinction.

In my six and one half weeks I have cleaned;, replaced chairs; replaced the production room console; upgraded the streaming computer sound card; continue to learn the station programming log; do all the daily downloads, uploads; log preparation; preparing training and training the current hosts and new hosts; solicit new hosts; as well as invoicing and just plan pay the bills. In addition, I’m doing all the new business elements ensuring I have the proper permits, and music licenses for Radio Monterey.

Two weeks were cleaning and meeting the existing hosts and providing new agreements. Two weeks were spent working the audio hum issue which was known but not resolved before I took over. During the last four weeks I have been spending more and more time learning how to program, update, revise, correct, etc. the programming logs.

It’s an evolution and learning process. Part of that process has been removing some vendors and hosts, as well as removing their accounts and commercials. The removing of some of the commercials create the silences at the top of the hour commercial breaks. I’m looking into all of them and hope to get the silences resolved this week.

Last Sunday (August 3) and this Sunday (August 10) have both experienced significant downtime, although for different reasons. I’ve been shifting the programming log to reflect the shift to an Internet Network from a radio station. Part of that has been scheduling contracted replays for the hosts. The shows have a variety of constructs and I am still learning to get the syntax correct in the programming log. I apologize for any inconvenience; however, it will get resolved.

The final downtime that occurred on Sunday, August 10, was a result of our streaming server in Virginia being brought down for required maintenance. It was down for approximately two and one half hours. As I checked every cable, all the modems, the program log and my sanity – I was relieved to find it was maintenance. A notification had been sent which I may or may not have received, either way, I apologize for any inconvenience.

We are looking at what we can do to level set the streaming and in studio audio.  It is on-going and like everything else, it will get resolved as soon as we can.

Thank you for listening.  As I make more programming changes I will let you know. However, I’ve been avoiding using this blog since this site will become Hal’s as I build a new web site for Radio Monterey.  In the meantime you are welcome to contact me through

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