Stop “Whispering Oaks”

Listeners who want to help prevent the wanton destruction of a beautiful oak grove on the site of the former Fort Ord to pave the way for a mixed use project should browse to

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3 Responses to Stop “Whispering Oaks”

  1. Shade says:

    The site reveals that the “whisper” of “Whispering Oaks” may be that of GAMBLING and HORSE RACE INDUSTRIES to land developers and politicians. If true, the integrity of ALL proposals regarding the future development of Fort Ord may be tainted. The Whispering Oaks controversy has suddenly changed from an environmental curiosity (why MST would choose to build a business park in the middle if a stand of mature oak trees) to a discussion about the pattern and nature of development of ALL our surrounding communities!

    The horse racing industry has a lot to offer Monterey County: jobs, money, infrastructure but with it comes associated crime, corruption, and environmental consequences. The people of nearby affected communities need to be informed and allowed to decide by vote if they want to allow horse racing at Fort Ord. Instead, it appears the interests behind horse racing were hoping to bring their industry to the area on the sly. They have learned that in spite of the money and influence they are capable wielding, a public vote will not necessarily be favorable to them. Downs archive.html

    The site definitely needs some work to be up to the new battle. First, I’d like to see an UNBIASED evaluation of the health & viability of the “Whispering Oak” trees, including their capability to withstand a fire. I’d also like to see a Utube, Google GroundView, and satellite tour of the Whispering Oaks site so Internet users can judge for themselves. The website needs to explain how anyone justifies developing a business park at this location instead of at a seemingly more logical site. It also needs to identify WHICH ENTITIES HAVE CONFLICTING INTERESTS OR POSSIBLY STAND TO UNJUSTLY GAIN. Too bad I missed the free Fort Ord bus tour that was recently offered. Perhaps a tour can be offered again, hopefully at a reasonable price.

  2. Shade says:

    Sorry, link broke. Link is to an archive of another attempt to bring horse racing to a community. The battle tore the community apart.
    (which may break again) so here it is another way:
    (Hal, maybe you can just fix the link in the original post. Thanks)

  3. Shade says:

    Please help before it is too late for thousands of ancient oak trees at Fort Ord’s “Whispering Oaks”. Special interests have already convinced our politicians to misappropriate county “redevelopment” funds meant to fight urban blight and instead bulldoze the ancient oak trees. Politicians then plan to allow ONE DEVELOPER exclusive rights to: 1)Create a “mixed use” equestrian arena (for all equestrian sports including racing and gambling), 2)Convert large blocks of Fort Ord to an uber-rich equestrian playground with McMansions and stables, and 3)Allow a small amount of low-income housing (near the stables for the servants & workers).

    Taxpayers should not allow their politicians to create more environmental blight at Fort Ord. A successful referendum would force politicians to allow the voters of Monterey County to decide the “Whispering Oaks” land-use issue for themselves. Please come to one or the locations below to sign the petition.
    – 7/17-8/8, 10-6pm: Eco Carmel, San Carlos between 7th and 8th (Kristi, 624-2208)
    – 7/17-8/8, Tuesdays-Saturdays, 10-6pm: Elliot Frame Design, The Barnyard (Ranko, 626-0654)
    – 8/6-8/7, Saturday-Sunday, 9-11am: Scottish Highland Games (Lisa 402-7482)
    Additional locations & times will be announced here:

    Can’t make it to sign the real petition? At least sign the following online petition to let our politicians know your displeasure.
    Unfortunately, the online petition does not legally force a referendum so please do your best to seek out & sign the petition being circulated at locations shown above.

    More detailed & updated info is posted here:

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