The Hal Ginsberg Morning Show Oct 27 – 31

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Tuesday –

7:45 – Holistic health with Glenn Sadowsky and Optimal Health Acupuncture and Bodywork.

Wednesday –

7:30 – Novelist Mike Maden discusses the real-world facts about the military technology described in his books Drone and the newly released Blue Warrior

8 – Northern California Organizer Tia Lebherz explains Food and Water Watch‘s opposition to both California’s Proposition 1 and fracking.

Thursday –

7:30 – Jeremy Holden from Media Matters casts a jaundiced eye on the right-wing media machine.

8:45 – Eric Petersen from the Monterey County Green Party discusses all things Green.

Friday Free-for-all +

8 – 9 Arlen Grossman’s Quotation Quotient is your opportunity to win a great prize.  Don’t miss Arlen’s column in the Leisure Section of every Sunday’s Monterey Herald and every month in the Foolish Times.

8:30 – Former prosecutor turned author Sidney Powell discusses her claims President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have been persecuting corporations like Merrill Lynch and Enron.  Powell’s new book is Licensed to Lie.

Thanks for being part of the Hal Ginsberg Morning Show!

And . . . expect the unexpected, including last minute guests!

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6 Responses to The Hal Ginsberg Morning Show Oct 27 – 31

  1. jeff linder says:

    Poor Hal,
    To bad he didn’t bother to read the article I sent him

    From the article:
    “One of Florida’s foremost authorities on the peculiar phenomenon, Widder has observed bioluminescence from submersibles in the western Mediterranean Sea and bays in Puerto Rico. But perhaps her brightest eyewitness viewing occurred near Haulover Canal on Merritt Island a few years ago.

    Does this unusual glowing water — which was noted by Spanish explorers centuries ago — serve as a health indicator of the imperiled Indian River Lagoon ecosystem? Perhaps.

    Robust bioluminescence could signal that inorganic nitrogen levels are rebounding after they were consumed by a devastating “superbloom” of green algae in 2011, said Troy Rice, director of the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program.”

  2. jeff linder says:

    Hal’s compassion for the less fortunate only extends as far as he can reach into someone else’s wallet.

  3. jeff linder says:

    Hal reaffirms that his compassion for the less fortunate extends only as far as he can reach into someone else’s wallet. Charities don’t work? What evidence is that based on? None. The War on Poverty (a government program) hasn’t worked. Poverty has hovered around 15% since its implementation. Don’t believe me. Look it up.

    • hal says:

      Both the number of people in poverty and the poverty rate in America fell strikingly from the early 1960s into the early 1970s as a direct result of more, better, and better-funded government programs. In fact the poverty rate was halved during this period.

      Since then, a steady decrease in the absolute amount of money spent on programs to help the poor and even more strikingly the amount in constant dollars has led to an increase in the percentage of poor Americans.

      We are now more reliant than ever on charity and it’s not working.

  4. jeff linder says:

    Charts on the site u use don’t support your claim. Poverty was falling through late 50s and early 60s. After signing in late 64 poverty flattened out. This has been shown to you before but no matter. You’re a liberal so if you believe it you see it. And if you think u aren’t paying enough in taxes why don’t you send a check to the treasury?

  5. hal says:

    The charts strongly support the conclusion that government programs including but not limited to the war on poverty were very effective in reducing the number and percentage of poor Americans.

    While it is true that by 1964, when LBJ declared the “war on poverty”, the poverty rate had dropped to 19% from well over 20% in the late 50s, it is also true that ten years later it was at 12% and has steadily but somewhat erratically risen as dollars committed to fighting it have been cut back.

    It is also true that by 1964 a number of government programs were already in place – some like Social Security for 30 years – that addressed the needs of poor Americans. These programs, including the alphabet soup that comprised the New Deal, Eisenhower’s Highway Act, and the GI Bill, were already reducing poverty rates by the time LBJ officially called for a war on it.

    Economists agree that the war on poverty did much to alleviate suffering in America.

    Jeff urges me to pay more in taxes since I am calling for higher tax rates. He knows that even if I bankrupted myself and my family, there would be no measurable reduction in poverty rates. Raising marginal tax rates to the levels in place in the 50s and 60s would of course make far more money available to help lift poor Americans out of destitution.

    Jeff’s criticism of successful liberal programs would be more palatable if he proposed potentially viable alternatives. He does not.

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