This Week on AM 540 AM

The big news is that we’ve expanded the KRXA Morning Show and changed the name to AM 540 AM.  We’ll be on from 6 – 9am Monday through Friday.  Coach and I will co-host during the first two hours and then I’ll fly solo 8 – 9.

Both Coach and I will be live in our Sand City studios all week.  Call (831) 899-5792 to join the festivities.

Growing pains are inevitable at this point but we know just how forbearing and supportive all of our listeners will be.

As always, we ask that you please forward this newsletter to any friend, relative, acquaintance, casual contact, frenemy, enemy, or nemesis, whom you think would enjoy learning about KRXA.

Don’t forget to become a facebook KRXA Five Forty Friend at or simply type fivefortyfriend into your Facebook search bar.

Here’s what’s on tap and do expect last-minute additions as always and especially this week:


Monday –

6 – 6:30 – Coach and I recap the weekend’s news.

6:30 – Grove Market’s Lori Taylor makes your mouth water describing the delicious lunches and prepared foods available every day and KRXA’s longest-running sponsor.

8 – Pacific Grove Mayor Carmelita Garcia returns to KRXA to discuss her campaign to represent the 5th Supervisorial District on the Monterey County Council.

8:35  – Our 27th District Assembly member Bill Monning discusses the state of the State of California.  Bill is vying to be the first Senator from California’s newly formed District 17.

Tuesday –

7 – 7:30 – Michelle Jackson shares the P.G. Perspective.

7:45 – Holistic health with Glenn Sadowsky and Optimal Health Acupuncture and Bodywork.

8- Marina City Councilor Frank O’Connell updates us on Marina doings.

8:45 – Same great Car Talk segment with Juan Escamilla from Wilson’s Tire and Service 1 hour earlier.  Call Juan at (831) 476-0370.

Wednesday –

6:30 – Dr. Valerie Arkoosh is the President of the National Physicians Alliance.  We’ll discuss with her the impact of recent health reform efforts on cost, quality and access to care for the uninsured.

8 – 9 – Articleman provides the finest analysis of the American political scene anywhere.

Thursday –

7 – Melinda Warner joins us from Media Matters to cast a jaundiced eye on the right-wing media machine.

7:30 – Arlen Grossman’s Quotation Quotient is your opportunity to win a great prize.  Don’t miss Arlen’s column in the Leisure Section of every Sunday’s Monterey Herald.  Read Arlen’s latest musings at

8:45 – Eric Peterson from the Monterey County Green Party discusses all things Green.

Friday with Coach/Friday Free-for-all +

8 – Talkin’ sustainable style with Michael Baetge of SC41 Furniture at 2647 41st Avenue in Soquel.

8:30 – Peace Resource Center guest and Buddhist teacher Rinpoche will inform us of the situation in his homeland Tibet.  Rinpoche will be speaking at the Peace Resource Center, 1643 Fremont in Seaside, Friday May 25 at 7pm.


And, every morning the stock markets are open, at 8:33, we have the Integrated Wealth Counsel Market Report.  Learn more about award-winning Investment Advisor Integrated Wealth Counsel at

Thanks for being part of KRXA!

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1 Response to This Week on AM 540 AM

  1. Barbara Conner says:

    Thought you might like to inform Steph’s web master s/he should take KRXA off as one of the stations carrying her programming in the mornings. She still has KRXA listed on the current roster.

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