It’s time for Democrats to stand up to Chicago thug Rahm Emanuel

angry-rahm-emanuelChicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has long been an embarrassment and worse to the Democratic party.  But his very close ties to Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, in whose administrations he served, helped him become one of the most powerful men in the Democratic party. Now we know Emanuel oversaw a 13-month effort to cover up the murder of 17-year old African American Laquan McDonald.  His former bosses along with Hillary Clinton, who once called Emanuel the “glue” that held the Clinton cabinet together, have a moral duty to sever all ties with Emanuel and to call for him to be charged as an accessory to murder after the fact.

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5 Responses to It’s time for Democrats to stand up to Chicago thug Rahm Emanuel

  1. Patrick Ferguson says:

    I’m Soooo Tired of Fake Democrats. I would so Love To See This Bastard in Prison !

  2. Shade says:

    Agree with Hal? Chicago residents and people across the country can sign this petition to demand Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s immediate resignation.

  3. Shade says:

    Hal- I’d say this new article is pretty damning:Emanuel’s repeated backtracking shows he underestimated McDonald video fallout
    “Public skepticism is only likely to increase after Emanuel’s police department late Friday released hundreds of pages of police reports that are dramatically at odds with the dashboard camera video of the shooting. The reports show that at least six officers said that McDonald moved or turned toward police. At least one said McDonald was advancing on the officers in a menacing way and swung his knife at them in an “aggressive, exaggerated manner” before Officer Jason Van Dyke shot the teen.”
    Agree with Hal? Chicago residents and people across the country can sign this petition to demand Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s immediate resignation.

  4. mortgage says:

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    States dollars in log terms, mtgr = mortgage

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