A year ago political insiders expected Hillary Clinton to waltz to the Democratic nomination. Last July, Five Thirty Eight’s Nate Silver opined Clinton might well win every primary except the first two. Things didn’t turn out quite that way.
Clinton had to weather a surprisingly strong primary challenge from a self-described democratic socialist. Weather it she did thanks to overwhelming support from both “strong” and “weak” Democrats. Anxious moments came courtesy of “independent Democrats,” among whom Bernie Sanders has a 10 point edge, and independents who prefer Sanders by a 5 to 1 margin. Young voters, those least likely to register with either major party, have mostly abandoned Clinton. The under-30 cohort favors Sanders by more than 3 to 1.
Nevertheless, after sweeping the south and with big wins in the rust belt and New York, among other states, Clinton has all but sewn up the Democratic nomination. Now she must decide how best to pivot towards her likely Republican opponent Donald Trump. Should she reach out to centrists by embracing her “moderate and center” inner self or would it make more sense to offer an olive branch to progressives by dialing back on hawkish rhetoric and promising to support a populist agenda?
Very recent history as well as articles in the New York Times and the Hill suggest Clinton has little patience for the left and has already moved forcibly back to the middle – assuming she ever left it in the first place. If this is indeed her strategy, she is risking Democratic control of the White House.
By late March, after big wins in Ohio and Illinois, Clinton’s ultimate triumph this summer in Philadelphia seemed extremely likely but not quite certain. Throwing aside any concerns, however, that she might turn off pro-peace progressive independents, Clinton delivered a bellicose speech at AIPAC on March 22 fulsomely detailing Israeli deaths at the hands of Palestinians with nary a comment on the various ways Israel oppresses the nearly two million Palestinian Gazans every day. She mentioned the ongoing settlement program on Jordan’s West Bank once in passing. In the end, Clinton called on the United States to take our relationship with Israel “to the next level.”
Clinton’s AIPAC speech suggests she is unafraid of alienating anti-war millennials whose support for Israel is “far less fervent” than that of previous generations. Still, her campaign has not abandoned all hope of winning over young voters. Clinton’s “secret weapon” is New Jersey’s heroic Senator Cory Booker just 47 years old.
His millennial cred is impeccable. He’s a techie with 1.6 million twitter followers and and an iPhone playlist heavily weighted to Prince?? and Selena Gomez!! There’s just one problem. The guy’s on the side of the big banks and Silicon Valley as much as (if not more than) he is on the side of the little guy and gal.
Salon’s Alex Pareene wrote an aggressive takedown back in 2013 urging Garden Staters to vote against this “avatar of the wealthy elite.” To be fair, Pareene’s piece is probably somewhat unfair and just this month Booker championed a new fiduciary rule requiring financial advisors to put their clients’ interests first when recommending retirement plans.
Nevertheless, Booker seared into voters’ minds the suspicion that his first allegiance is to big banks and corporate America in 2012 when speaking as an Obama surrogate. On Meet the Press, the President’s surrogate defended the actions of firms like Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital and called attacks on private equity “nauseating“.
Booker’s support for the financial industry may be explained by the fact that his major funders include Goldman Sachs, Prudential Financial, and Time Warner. The biggest contributor to his campaigns though is NorPAC which describes its primary purpose as supporting Senators and Representatives “who demonstrate a genuine commitment to the strength, security, and survival of Israel.”
Clinton is relying on Booker to appeal to millennials on the most superficial grounds – his twitter feed and music preferences. At the same time, she is hoping they will ignore or overlook his close relationship to the corporatists who eviscerated our economy and the lobbyists funneling billions of dollars to the Israeli Defense Force. In so doing, she is showing contempt for the millions of twenty-somethings confronting a bleak future due to Wall Street’s greed and recklessness and hoping for peace in the Middle East.
If she hopes to win over millennials, Clinton did herself no favors with her speech to AIPAC. Likewise, Cory Booker is more likely to flop than fly when courting the youth vote. But neither necessarily reflects an overarching failure to read the electorate’s mood.
The AIPAC speech came in advance of the New York primary where the Jewish vote is very important and Jews there are more conservative – though still overwhelmingly Democratic – than in the rest of the country. Clinton won the closed contest very handily putting to rest any lingering doubts that she would be the Democratic nominee. Cory Booker may not be the millennial magnet Clinton is hoping for. But she needs to get every possible African-American vote in the general election as much as, if not more than, she wants millennials. Even if Booker can’t attract the latter, he should help with the former.
Against a widely despised Donald Trump, Clinton should be able to survive AIPAC and especially Booker with little or no trouble. Her campaign’s perhaps fatal mistake is believing it needs to disavow Sanders-style populism to attract independents. Clinton supporter Emanuel Cleaver told the Hill Clinton can’t move left to appease Sanders supporters since the conversation has already gone “farther . . . than most moderate Democrats would like to see.” He added, “[s]ome would say it even endangers a victory in November because the further you go to the left or right, the further you frustrate independents.”
The Hill also reports:
Another ally bluntly said it will not be possible for Clinton to compromise with Sanders on some policy demands. “We can’t do it,” the ally said. “But there’s going to be a place for him to weigh in on the campaign and at the convention and he should have the satisfaction that he raised some issues that have been a part of the conversation.”
These comments reflect a dangerous misunderstanding of independent voters. Conventional wisdom has it that independents or non-affiliated voters are centrists who view both major parties as too extreme. When Clinton fessed up last summer to being “kind of moderate and center”, she was doubtless thinking of her husband’s success in reaching these voters through triangulation and by cherry-picking issues.
But many of today’s independent voters don’t view themselves as torn between two extreme parties. They view themselves as apart from or to the left or right of both parties which they perceive as tools of big government and business elites. Sanders independents are slightly more liberal than Democrats but much more suspicious that the party sold its soul to corporate backers, the military, and other establishment types.
Donald Trump’s voters span the conservative spectrum. But given his rhetoric at campaign rallies and the responses of attendees, what appears to unite his supporters is a belief that government has betrayed them by failing to deport immigrants and through free trade deals. He also frequently says the government needs to ensure broader health care coverage and to spend more on infrastructure.
Under these circumstances, the last thing Clinton should do is hew to a cautious centrist approach. Such a course will estrange potential young voters who feel little or no allegiance to the Democratic party. It will also do nothing to stanch the flow of more conservative independents to Trump since his populist rhetoric is in tune with their belief that both parties are conspiring against them.
Clinton would be much better served emphasizing her support for broad-based social programs and to call for a massive jobs bill. She could avoid being labeled a Sanders copy cat by emphasizing her preference for building on Obamacare with a focus on specific easily understood improvements that will lead to more widespread and cheaper coverage. For example, she could argue in favor of a public option and allowing the government to negotiate directly with drug companies.
When it comes to employment, Clinton needs to outline how government can best help create millions of good middle-class jobs. Again, she must eschew nuance and speak plainly and emphatically. She has said she opposes the TPP because it won’t protect American workers. That’s a good start but not enough. She must also convince us she doesn’t believe in a “level playing field” if that means American workers must compete against foreign laborers paid $1/hour or less.
Clinton is rightly calling for more infrastructure spending. She needs to tell us how many jobs her plan will create and how it will maximize employment and worker’s pay.
Finally and perhaps most importantly, Clinton needs to embrace a true progressive as a running mate. Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown, along with Bernie Sanders, stand out as the two most pro-worker Senators. The problem with both Warren and Brown is their respective states have a Republican governor. Losing a Democrat from the upper house is a very high price to pay to solidify the progressive base.
There are other options. For a number of reasons, Bernie Sanders would not be an ideal choice. Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin offers help in an important swing state and she has serious pro-worker credentials voicing early opposition to the TPP and in support of authorizing unions by card-check rather than secret ballot. Like Warren and Brown though, her governor is a Republican. Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley fits the progressive bill nicely but doesn’t help in a swing state.
In the end, Pennsylvania Senator Robert Casey might be the best choice to run as Clinton’s running mate. The Keystone State has a Democratic governor and although it is probably safely blue Casey would definitely offer help in neighboring Ohio. He voted against Trade Promotion Authority and in favor of card check. He is a strong pro-social security voice as well as a reasonably strong proponent of green energy.
Bottom-line: Casey is progressive on economic issues but more conservative socially and therefore complements Clinton well. His pro-life stance is decidedly problematic – and for many (but not necessarily millennials) would be a deal-breaker. But since the biggest threats to national well-being are economic injustice and ecological collapse, he may be the best choice at the current time.
I can’t stand her!! As soon as she’s the nominee all kinds of stuff including the emails will come out of her, she will probably be indicted she’s so disliked by the right and even the left chances are pretty good that she will lose the election against Donald Trump or anybody else for that matter.
It isn’t only Hillary’s policies; it is Hillary herself that is the Democratic Party’s potential misstep. I question if Hillary can win even if she was to continue the tact to the left she took during the primaries. Trump is by far the better salesperson, and Hillary starts out in the hole because the majority of voters don’t find her politically honest or her statements trustworthy. The public will thus judge Hillary in large part by the political stances she has taken over her lifetime, and in many respects overall, Hillary’s positions have often been no better than Trump’s.
Dirk correctly states another major problem. Due to Bernie being too nice (& also because he likely isn’t in a position to fully know), the dirt in Hillary’s emails and the appearance of pay-for-play of Bill’s speechmaking and the Clinton Foundation hasn’t even begun to go out to the mainstream public. Trump with his Republican connections won’t have a problem accessing this information and he will pound her with it. Clearly there is enough already on which the Clintons could be indicted, but even if this doesn’t happen, Trump will pound Hillary with a series of embarrassing leaks (Hillary’s past emails could now leak from many sources). Also look for Democratic Party demoralizing leaks of illicit recordings of Hillary’s $300k single-hour speeches to Wall Street players. You can’t tell me that dozens of Republican-leaning players at these events didn’t make recordings of Hillary’s pandering to the .1% at these events.
You are right that Hillary has it over Sanders in her expressed desire to build on Obamacare & not to instantly reinvent the wheel… a problem similar to that of a certain talk-show host we all know has with his proposed instant Draconian carbon-tax. However, I doubt this one point Hillary has over both Bernie and Trump will be enough to propel her to the Presidency.
The 2 major party presumed Presidential nominees could easily both be facing charges b4 or after the election, Trump 4his Trump University fraud (which Tues we learned apparently will be going to trial), & HC on those crimes she committed that Dems r in complete denial on. Amazing. I couldn’t clear a background check 4most any living-wage job facing such charges & investigation, but the public is ready 2elect one of these two as President.
Hillary Clinton’s Felony. The federal laws violated by the private server. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/08/28/1416309/-Hillary-Clinton-s-Felony-The-federal-laws-violated-by-the-private-server
Anybody that thinks FBI spends a yr investigating security protocols is naive; FBI investigates crimes! FBI also must justify its budget so they get more $$$ ea yr. FBI WILL recommend airtight charges; buck stops@ HC if not Obama. FBI fav ploy is work ancillary perps against ea other, make threats, offer 5th. Then perps MUST spill their guts. HC has big prob if FBI proves home-server was used2 hide illegal intersection of HC’s DOS activities & donations2 Clinton Foundation, thwart FOIA req, &/or if her server was hacked (which would be her fault).
FBI has been digging 4a yr; there r also FOIA demands from private parties going through courts re HC’s email. I dont think even Obama admin can protect her. FBI may bring out undeniable corruption while in office, other malfeasance may come out in court. Only question is when, not if as Clintons r hated & there r big powers against them. It needs 2happen soon 2help Bernie though, & unfortunately those against her would prob prefer 2wait until HC elected.
Let me suggest that Dems are as blind 2the potential of charges against HC as Republicans r2 the dangers presented by environmental degradation & anthropogenic global warming. Comey, the 25000 lb Repub elephant that most Dems deny is in the room. Will he back off or will he charge, thus making his presence known? Only time will tell. However, as Jane Sanders just let on, Bernie has understood the score all along. I’ve always suspected this issue served as the tipping point that gave Bernie the impetus 2run.
Jane Sanders, Bernie’s wife & a key adviser, says “it would be nice” if the FBI moved their investigation into HC “along.” Appearing on Fox Business Networks’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” on Thur, Sanders said the campaign line has “been from the beginning… right after the debate where [Bernie] said, ‘Enough of your damn emails,’ he also said ‘There is a process. It’s going forward. It’s an FBI investigation. We want to let it go through without politicizing it & then we’ll find out what the situation is.” “And that’s how we still feel,” Jane said.
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Casey would be a poor choice because of his pro-life (anti-choice) position, which would turn off a lot of independents and liberals, as well as young people. Bernie would be a better choice for VP, even though he comes from a blue state. Hillary needs his supporters because without them there would be little passion and enthusiasm for another President Clinton. She needs to get young people and independents on board and to the polls. The best person to help her do that is Bernie. Without Bernie, the candidate of change would by default be Trump, with Hillary being the candidate of the Establishment. In this political climate, that could spell defeat for the Democrats.
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