As we head hard into election season, at KRXA, we will strive to bring you the various candidates vying for your vote. Expect last-minute additions to our line-up.
I’m in Monterey all week so call to participate at (831) 899-KRXA/5792.
As always, we ask that you please forward this newsletter to any friend, relative, acquaintance, casual contact, frenemy, enemy, or nemesis, whom you think would enjoy learning about KRXA.
Don’t forget to become a facebook KRXA Five Forty Friend at or simply type fivefortyfriend into your Facebook search bar.
Tuesday is tax day!
Here’s what’s on tap:
Monday –
8:35 – Our 27th District Assembly member Bill Monning discusses the state of the State of California. Next year, Bill will vie to be our state Senator.
9:30 – The Grove Market’s Lori Taylor makes your mouth water describing the delicious lunches and prepared foods available every day and KRXA’s longest-running sponsor.
Tuesday –
9:25 – Arlen Grossman’s Quotation Quotient is your opportunity to win a great prize. Don’t miss Arlen’s column in the Leisure Section of every Sunday’s Monterey Herald. Read Arlen’s latest musings at
9:45 – Juan Escamilla from Wilson’s Tire and Service joins us for Car Talk. Call Juan at (831) 476-0370.
Wednesday –
8 – 9 – Dagblogger Articleman provides the finest analysis of the American political scene anywhere.
9:45 – Eric Peterson from the Monterey County Green Party discusses all things Green.
Thursday –
8 – Radio host and blogger Jack Quirk shares his progressive Catholic perspective every month.
9:30 – Glenn Sadowsky from Optimal Health Acupuncture and Bodywork may provide his holistic health perspective.
Friday with Coach/Friday Free-for-all +
8 – 9 – Had enough of Couch? Welcome to my world! Too bad, Coach and I will kick the ball around for the first hour of the free-for-all.
9 – Talkin’ sustainable style with Michael Baetge of SC41 Furniture at 2647 41st Avenue in Soquel.
9:30 – Monterey County Fair 2012 CEO Kelly Violini will discuss this year’s iteration of the popular family event.
And, every morning the stock markets are open, at 8:33 or so, we have the Integrated Wealth Counsel Market Report. Learn more about award-winning Investment Advisor Integrated Wealth Counsel at
Thanks for being part of KRXA!
Good Morning Hal and Coach!
Please ask Article Man about the chance of the American’s Elect “ticket” being used to disrupt the balance of power between the Democrats and the Pube-licken’s and generate a win a’la Clinton in the ’90s. That is a win for Rove and Jeb under the AE ticket.
Thanks starting and running a great radio station.
Hal, Coach, & Friends,
The Occupy Monterey Working Group On Foreclosures met today at 3:15pm outside
Colton Hall in Monterey. The six people in
attendance entrusted me to contact you & the
Coast Weekly to give you an account of our
simple five point plan. If you’re interested, please give me a call [or text] (831-521-1055), or email me at Sincerely,
bill leone, monterey