USA – GINI Coefficient since 1900

This chart (it’s linked to an interactive webpage) shows how income and wealth inequality in America dropped significantly in the 1930s and reached their lowest point in the 1960s and 1970s after Democratic economic populist Presidents FDR and LBJ enacted aggressive anti-poverty programs and while top marginal income tax rates were well in excess of 50%.  A truly golden economic time for working Americans that came to an end during the Reagan administration when the “Great Communicator” slashed social welfare programs and taxes on the rich.  Things have only gotten worse.

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1 Response to USA – GINI Coefficient since 1900

  1. Friedrich MrProfDr Sell says:

    Good Morning!
    Me (Friedrich L. Sell) and Jürgen Stiefl, we are two researchers (see below examples for recent research results) from Germany (Bundeswehr University, Munich and University of Applied Sciences, Aalen, Germany). Actually, we are starting to conduct an investigation of inequality in the USA and the role of the poltical parties (Democrats, Republicans). We are looking for a long-term time series of the Gini coefficient ex-post (after taxes and subsidies), preferably between 1900 and today (2021 or so). Can you help us? In Excel format?
    Thank you indeed. We are lokkong forward to hearing from you!
    Friedrich L. Sell

    Earlier Papers:
    Sell, Friedrich L. and Jürgen Stiefl (2022), The electoral system of the USA: reform proposals from a political-economy point of view. CESifo Forum, Vol. 23, No. 4, July 2022, pp. 49-56.
    F. L. Sell/Jürgen Stiefl, Missing the popular vote: pitfalls in US democracy and reform proposals. In: Intereconomics. Review of European Economic Policy. July/August, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2021, pp. 237-242.

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