This 2nd Holiday Week on Radio Monterey

As 2013 makes way for 2014, it’s time for the Morning Show’s first annual Person of the Year award.  Monday, I’ll be announcing the runner-up and Tuesday the winner.  You can make your voice heard at  The two finalists have been decided but the winner is still up-in-the-air.  If you listen to my show or even live anywhere but under a rock, you will almost certainly not be surprised.

The now-posted Person of the Year poll will replace the most popular poll we’ve ever had at the site – your choice for President 2016.  By a huge margin, Bernie Sanders (65% of the vote) was your choice over Hillary Clinton (22%).  Chris Christie (13%) brought up the rear.

Because this is a holiday week, we have an abbreviated schedule of guests – so please keep the great calls coming!

Don’t forget to become a facebook RadioMonterey friend at or simply type fivefortyfriend into your Facebook search bar.

Here’s what’s on tap on the RadioMonterey Morning Show this week and do expect last-minute additions as always.  I will post changes as they become known and also tweet them @RadioMonterey.


Monday –

6 – 7 – Weekend news recap.

Tuesday –

7 – The P.G. Perspective with Michelle Jackson.

7:45 – Holistic health with KRXA sponsor Glenn Sadowsky and Optimal Health Acupuncture and Bodywork.

8:45 – “Car Talk” with Juan Escamilla owner of KRXA sponsor Wilson’s Tire and Service.  For all your automotive needs, call Juan at (831) 476-0370 or stop by 4665 Soquel Drive, Soquel.

Wednesday –

Thursday –

7:30 – Jeremy Holden joins us from Media Matters to cast a jaundiced eye on the right-wing media machine.

8:45 – Eric Petersen from the Monterey County Green Party discusses all things Green.

Friday Free-for-all +

8:49 – Will she or won’t she?  Will Sotheby’s realtor Patty Ross join us on January 3 or on January 10?


Thanks for being part of Radio Monterey!

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